The Echo and The Existence

“A thick black curtain raised and sunlight shone upon the cheekbones. It curved a luscious smile, eyes felt crescent, the stare enchanted. The smell was homely and ancient. Brought back memories with it. An obscure picture hung widely before the sight. An old lady, feeding in hennery, her granddaughter was sitting aside, making a peculiar sound with her tongue and lips. She could smell the hens and the ducks, dust of the place, oil her grandmother uses on her skin and hair. These smells brought back memories now. The granddaughter doesn’t know however she came across with this coddling smell avoiding the lanes and buildings of the city.”
Echo, Smell, Smile, people, and nature itself is a reminder of who we are, our roots, our values. We often tend to pursue the greatest of treasures but the thought that skips our mind is, what or whom do I need the treasure for? Time will flow on and you may not have another chance to sit with your grandmother, watching her cackling with her ducks. Humped and gummy she is! Good old prettiness!

Strength lies in your own consciousness. We often get threatened by our own discomforts. We think it’s the people who are threatening us. But the inferiority we experience is the reflection of our own weakness. We intend to show our charisma but lack in self-confidence. Attractive personalities, bolder presentations are considered fathoming and fashionable. In the matter of a case, we lose our true personality. We become somehow a person from a faraway realm. Unknown to family, friends, even to thyself. But that doesn’t come with good results. Pretending is not potential. There’s nothing new to it. So, society rejects to recognize you. You fall badly now, the lowest of your self-esteem.
Everyone you meet through your journey of life, cannot be an ideal one to follow. Some people are burnished just from outside. And with some people, you can radiant your individuality with comfort. Fake people will only get threatened by your personality, so they'll try to make you feel the same.
So, what’s most important, is to know the difference between true wisdom and fake sagacity. This is the time when you need the help of your ancestors, the qualities you possess by inheritance. The period of doubt doesn’t allow you to see your ultimate possibilities. To feel scared and helpless is certain. A famous quote goes by “I aim to be lionhearted but my hands still shake and my voice isn’t quite loud enough”. Repeatedly you need to remind yourself what’s your aim, practice the necessary tools which are important to reach the goal. Then again! Think twice before choosing your ultimate mentor.
And when the sky seems darker with uncertainties, look at your surroundings, take the smell of the soaked earth, and fill your imagination with “Hawai mitthai, Batasha, Nagordola” from your childhood. Listen to the bells of a rickshaw, chirping birds, hawkers yelling with their vans, children riding in their cycles. Look if you find some similarities with when you were a child yourself. You will realize, “Nothing has ever changed”
And we know, of course, Universe never wastes the matter. You, Me, Us, exist from the very beginning of this nature……

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